ENSUREAL participated in RAWMAT 2021, the International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy, held in Athens, Greece on September 5-9. ENSUREAL was well represented at Rawmat 2021 in Athens with presentations from Danai Marinos, David Konlechner, Andriani Manataki and Adamantia Lazou:
- High temperature treatment of selected iron rich bauxite ores to produce calcium aluminate slags, by Lazou, C. van der Eijk, M. Vafeias, A. Bempelou, E. Balomenos, L. Kolbeinsen, D. Panias, J. Safarian. The presentation was awarded with a waiver for the Special Issue of Materials MDPI “Metals Characterization: Novel Methods, Techniques, and Instruments” (Impact factor 3.623).
- Simulating the use of a smelter off-gas in the precipitation stage of the Pedersen process, by Manataki, J. Mwase. C. van der Eijk
- First industrial scale process concept for the reengineered Pedersen process within ENSUREAL, by Konlechner, R. Koenig, A. Preveniou, P. Davris, E. Balomenos
- The effect of the concentration of sodium carbonate on carbonation precipitation of sodium aluminate solutions, by Marinos, D. Kotsanis, E. Balomenos, D. Panias
You can read the abstracts in the book of abstracts