ENSUREAL produces grey mud
Can the ENSUREAL process be used to capture CO2 from furnace off-gas?

ENSUREAL’s results presented in BR2020 Conference

ENSUREAL partners presented some of the results from ENSUREAL project in the  3rd International Bauxite Residue Valorization and Best Practices Conference in September 2020. The goal of this conference is to search realistic and scientific solutions for Bauxite Residue. Three were the sessions dedicated to ENSUREAL:

ENSUREAL - September 29, 2020; 1:15pm -1:30 pm; David Kochlener (KON-CHEM); “First industrial scale mass balance data for the reengineered Pedersen Process developed within the EU funded project ENSUREAL”
ENSUREAL - September 29, 2020; 3:05 pm -3:20 pm; Danai Marinos (NTUA); “Parameters affecting the precipitation of Al-phases from Aluminate solutions of the Pedersen process”
ENSUREAL - September 29, 2020; 3:20 pm -3:35 pm; Adamantia Lazou (NTNU); “High temperature smelting reduction of bauxite residue and a CaCO3-rich bauxite for aluminate slag production and pig iron recovery