ENSUREAL presented at H2020 Innovation Forum
Hydrogen prereduction of bauxite

NTUA Hydrometallurgical Work Update

NTUA Hydrometallurgical Pilot

Following the large scale smelting experiment in Trondheim last September, NTUA has received a significant amount of Calcium Aluminate Slags. The research team, consisting of Mr. Michalis Vafeias and Mrs. Maria Bagani, are proceeding with the characterization and hydrometallurgical treatment of the aforementioned slags. 

Specifically, during the past two weeks, work has focused on defining the Al leachability of the different slags received (eight slags in total). For this purpose the N.T.U.A. team of metallurgists, under the guidance of Professor Panias, has devised a standard leaching test to treat all slags under the same conditions. An assessment of the aluminate solutions produced will follow. The main parameter at this stage of the work is to define which slags are more leachable in terms of Al extraction. In addition, the physical and chemical characteristics of the residues is the second major factor under consideration. 

Following the assessment of the slags, the team will pick out those with the higher Al extraction rates as the best candidates for further studying. This stage of the work is expected to begin in January 2019.